Even though Levi is our second baby, we had just moved back to Texas from Germany and were still waiting for our belongings to arrive when he was born. We didn't have anything with us that we had for Dakota and basically had to start all over. I didn't realize how much stuff we would need! So I've compiled a list of "must-have's". I'll be honest, most of them are just things that are really nice to have but not necessarily essential.
Mamaroo, Rockaroo, Swing or Bouncer
You'll need a place for the baby to be put down during the day. Even if you do tend to hold the baby most of the day, everyone needs a potty break now and then, even mommies. We have the 4moms Mamaroo and it's amazing. It's a bit more expensive than your regular baby swing but, in my opinion, it's worth it. It has 5 different speed settings, 5 different movement options, as well as a sound machine and a place for you to plug in your ipod to play your own music!
Boppy Pillow

Oh Boppy, how did I survive without you with Dakota? The Boppy is great for nursing and for letting baby lounge. I always keep mine close by for feedings and I like to use it to prop Levi up closer to his toys in his play gym and for tummy time. I had a different kind of pillow similar to the Boppy with Dakota but never used it because it was more 'boxy' and uncomfortable for Koda to lay on. Boppy is the way to go.
Diaper Backpack

I HATE traditional diaper bags. They are so bulky and just...a pain. We quickly switched to a backpack when Dakota was a newborn but with Levi we found a diaper bag that actually is a backpack! It has a pocket that is lined to keep things warm/cold and it came with a really nice changing pad with zipper pouches to hold wipes. It's roomy without being so big that you can lose things in it and much easier to carry than a traditional diaper bag.
Baby Gym

Now that Levi is almost 3 months he is beginning to want to play more and more often. A play gym is perfect for this age because they can lay on their back and look up at the toys and hit them to watch them swing and they are also perfect for tummy time. Ours even came with a little pillow specifically for tummy time!
Gripe Water
This stuff is magic in a bottle! We use it every day with Levi these days. They help with colic, gas, and hiccups. Even better, the one we use is all natural.

Your sweet little baby will have the claws of a LION! They will scratch their face and yours constantly and they grow at the speed of light! I have to clip Levi's nails at least twice a week. Some have a magnifying glass attached so you can see their little nails better. Ours has a light, which I prefer to the magnifying glass.
Snap & Go Stroller
Travel systems built specifically to match and carry your car seat are nice, but can be bulky and take up all or most of the trunk in your vehicle. The snap & go is a great alternative. It's compact, lightweight, fits any infant car seat, and even has cup holders, a compartment for keys/phone and a space underneath for your diaperbag and/or purse. Honestly, it's a lifesaver!

Most likely, baby will not be willing to sleep in the crib immediately after bringing them home from the hospital. Also, you will want to have them near your for easier feedings and diaper changes in the middle of the night. The one we have folds up for easy transport for when we go stay somewhere overnight. It's much easier than lugging a pack n' play around. It even has a vibration setting and the base is curved so you can rock it.
Snuza Hero

This is probably the most important thing on my list. It can literally save your baby's life. It's a breathing/movement monitor that clips onto your baby's diaper and sets off an alarm if they stop breathing for a certain amount of time. For us, it has already paid for itself. I get more sleep because I'm not checking on Levi's breathing constantly and I know firsthand that it works. Thank God for Snuza!
Even though we don't swaddle Levi, we love our swaddle blankets! We use Aden + Anais swaddle blankets. They are so soft, perfect to use as a light blanket while out and about and they have seriously cute prints. If you're looking for a similar but less expensive option, Summer Infant is great.
What are some baby items that are essential for your family? Leave a comment!
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