Friday, February 20, 2015

Product Review: Drip Drop

Recently sent me a few samples of a new electrolyte drink mix called Drip Drop. I had actually purchased this product for my son once before and he seemed to really like it and it worked well so I couldn't wait to try it for myself. I wasn't disappointed. 


DripDrop’s patented hydration powder is based on World Health Organization’s formula for Oral Rehydration Solutions (ORS), a precise ratio of sodium, sugars, and electrolytes that enhances absorption and speeds recovery. Oral Rehydration Solutions have been used for more than 50 years to treat dehydration in the most challenging circumstances, including treating Cholera and Ebola patients, and in disaster zones where fresh water is in short supply.

Unfortunately, I came down with a virus a couple of days ago so I was in serious need of hydration and electrolytes. Drip Drop was the first thing I reached for and it helped SO much. The flavor was great. It wasn't too sweet and the powder mixed easily into the water and left no grit or yucky chunks. Now, my husband has the virus and he will be reaping the benefits of our Drip Drop samples. But, you should know that Drip Drop isn't just for when you're sick! It's also great for after physical activity or even when you're just feeling a little run down. Try some and see for yourself!

Here is a coupon to use at your local HEB store!

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