How long has it been since I've written? Too long...I figured a good way to jump back in would be an update on my babies! Levi is not almost EIGHT months old! WHAT?! How did that happen?! and Koda is still growing like a weed...2 going on 20.
Levi started waving and clapping within the last couple of things and it just melts my heart every time I see it. He lifts up his chubby little hands with his knuckle dimples and smiles that breathtaking, sunshiny smile. He is seriously the happiest little munchkin around. He is still nursing which makes me feel like I've really accomplished something. I really struggled with breastfeeding Dakota and by this age he had already been on formula for a couple of months, but I really really wanted to try to make it at least a year and it seems like we are headed that direction!
He has discovered that he can roll anywhere his little heart desires. I will sit him up on his little mat on the floor with his toys and within seconds he has gotten on his belly and rolled across the entire room. I wonder if he will start crawling soon. Koda skipped crawling so it will be interesting to see what Levi does.
Levi is also a huge fan of food. Not pureed food. He wants the REAL stuff! He loves eggs, baby banana pancakes, bananas, apple slices (he mostly just teethes on those) and slightly mashed beans. He's also a fan of potatoes, sweet or otherwise. We are definitely going more in the direction of baby led weaning with Levi, whereas with Koda we did mostly purees.
Sleep training has been going surprisingly well....sometimes. For a while I didn't think he would EVER lay down on his own. I tried the CIO method with him a couple of times but it wasn't sitting right with me and it didn't work. He will lay down on his own if I nurse him to sleep and then hold him for a little while to let him get into a really good, deep sleep and then he will stay in his bed almost the entire night! When he wakes up I just bring him in bed with us and nurse him and he co-sleeps with us until morning. It's working out nicely for us! Nap time is our real issue. Sometimes I can get him to lay down on his own using the same method as we do at bedtime, but sometimes he just won't stay asleep so I end up just holding him. To be honest, I don't mind this. I'm soaking up the baby-ness! My house does suffer, though, when i end up doing this because I would usually use that time to pick up. Oh well, the house can get cleaned another time!
On to my little 2 year old genius...
I'm his mom so...I have to brag, right?
This kid amazes me every day with the things he has learned. He counts to 13, he knows his letters on sight, and can sing his abc's (with a little help and encouragement). Okay, bragging over. Just couldn't help myself!
He continues to make me laugh-constantly. He just says the funniest things or will do some kind of crazy dance move and it just makes my day. As my dad says 'he's full of piss and vinegar'....What does that even mean? Haha! He loves riding his ride-on toy airplane and is still obsessed with planes in general. He also loves his toy guns and likes to play video games with daddy. He has also become quite the artist! We got him a MagnaDoodle for Christmas and it was a HIT! He also has colors for in the bath that he loves. He is always asking me to draw planes and helicopters, as well as random animals or cartoon characters. I have memorized how to draw Mickey, Minnie, and Elmo, as well as many animals. One day he asked me to draw a horse and....I just couldn't. There are just some things even mommies can't draw!

We finally have him transitioned into his big boy bed (toddler bed) which took a lot longer than it should have, but given our living arrangements, didn't happen until we moved into our place. He has done very well with it, although bedtime is still somewhat of an issue. We have to turn on a light outside his room. I'm not sure when he became afraid of the dark, but unfortunately, he has. He usually sleeps on his own until the wee hours of the morning and then comes and gets in bed with us. I don't mind, it makes mornings a lot easier by having both boys right there in bed with me.
Potty training is something that we are still struggling a great deal with. I'm not sure how to make him understand to release his bladder while he is on the potty. He may just not be ready yet. I'm not going to force it though. When he's ready, it will happen.
Well, I guess that's enough rambling for now! If you made it to the end of this post, I commend you....and I apologize. lol. It's definitely not my best post but I am going to try to make more frequent posts with better content. Stick around, it will get better!