Dakota will be turning 2 this Sunday and I am just sitting here thinking- HOW?!
Where did all the time go?! I remind myself several times a day to take in each moment and to savor it because he won't be this little forever. I feel as though I blinked and here he is, wearing Toddler sized clothing and developing preferences and pointing out animals and colors and shapes and he knows their names!How did this happen? Watching your child grow is the very definition of bittersweet.
Where did all the time go?! I remind myself several times a day to take in each moment and to savor it because he won't be this little forever. I feel as though I blinked and here he is, wearing Toddler sized clothing and developing preferences and pointing out animals and colors and shapes and he knows their names!How did this happen? Watching your child grow is the very definition of bittersweet.

Koda has always been verbal but now he is doing very little 'baby babble'. Most of what he says is actual words and sentences. This kid is all boy. He was made for the outdoors and would play outside all day, every day if he could. He absolutely loves music and dancing. He will get down to anything at any moment. He has developed an obsession with airplanes and loves to look through old paper towel tubes and pretend it is a telescope. He loves to 'carly' (his word for color) both with markers -the Colorwonder kind, for my sanity- and chalk outside. He loves to eat 'cakes' (pancakes) and crackers and is not a fan of meat. Born vegetarian? Good luck in our house! Haha.
Koda loves being a big brother. He tries to help and likes to try and give 'Lee-bye' (Levi) snuggles but he is still a little too rough so we have to keep an eye on him. His favorite thing (and Levi's favorite, too) is when he jumps around in front of Levi and they just giggle and laugh back and forth. I absolutely love watching them interact. It will be so much fun as they get older to watch them become best friends - hopefully!
This little man is just everything. He has taught me love and patience, peace and fear. He is loving, sweet, and a total brat. He is my baby who I love so deeply, unconditionally, forever.
Happy 2nd Birthday, Sunshine Man.
Mommy loves you!
Happy 2nd Birthday, Sunshine Man.
Mommy loves you!
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